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159 North 3rd Street
Macclenny, Florida 32063

May 2024

Plantar fasciitis is a foot condition characterized by inflammation and degeneration of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel to the toes. This condition often develops gradually over time, resulting from repetitive strain and stress on the plantar fascia. Activities that involve prolonged standing, walking, or running, especially on hard surfaces, can worsen the problem. Additionally, factors such as obesity, tight calf muscles, high arches, flat feet, and non-supportive footwear can increase the risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Symptoms include heel pain, particularly in the morning or after periods of inactivity, which can worsen with activity. While plantar fasciitis can be challenging to manage, various treatment options, including rest, stretching exercises, orthotic devices, and in severe cases, corticosteroid injections or surgery, can help alleviate pain and promote healing. If you have persistent heel pain, it is strongly suggested that you consult a podiatrist who can accurately diagnose and treat the cause.

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition that is often caused by a strain injury. If you are experiencing heel pain or symptoms of plantar fasciitis, contact Dr. John L. Coleman from Florida. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. The plantar fascia is a ligament that connects your heel to the front of your foot. When this ligament becomes inflamed, plantar fasciitis is the result. If you have plantar fasciitis you will have a stabbing pain that usually occurs with your first steps in the morning. As the day progresses and you walk around more, this pain will start to disappear, but it will return after long periods of standing or sitting.

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?

  • Excessive running
  • Having high arches in your feet
  • Other foot issues such as flat feet
  • Pregnancy (due to the sudden weight gain)
  • Being on your feet very often

There are some risk factors that may make you more likely to develop plantar fasciitis compared to others. The condition most commonly affects adults between the ages of 40 and 60. It also tends to affect people who are obese because the extra pounds result in extra stress being placed on the plantar fascia.


  • Take good care of your feet – Wear shoes that have good arch support and heel cushioning.
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • If you are a runner, alternate running with other sports that won’t cause heel pain

There are a variety of treatment options available for plantar fasciitis along with the pain that accompanies it. Additionally, physical therapy is a very important component in the treatment process. It is important that you meet with your podiatrist to determine which treatment option is best for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Macclenny, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about Plantar Fasciitis
Tuesday, 21 May 2024 00:00

Exploring Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is an ailment affecting the long tendon that connects the leg bones to the heel. This condition is particularly common among those engaged in high-impact activities, like running and jumping. The Achilles tendon's susceptibility to inflammation due to repetitive stress often leads to microtears and thickening. This results in Achilles tendonitis, which is characterized by posterior ankle pain and stiffness. However, the more severe consequence, an Achilles tendon rupture, typically occurs during forceful movements which result in sudden, intense pain and the inability to bear weight. Approximately 80 percent of Achilles tendon ruptures result in complete loss of function in the calf muscle. If you are experiencing pain in the Achilles tendon, it is suggested that you cease the activity causing the pain and make an appointment with a podiatrist as soon as possible. This foot doctor can conduct a thorough exam and determine the appropriate treatment. 

Achilles tendon injuries need immediate attention to avoid future complications. If you have any concerns, contact Dr. John L. Coleman of Florida. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Is the Achilles Tendon?

The Achilles tendon is a tendon that connects the lower leg muscles and calf to the heel of the foot. It is the strongest tendon in the human body and is essential for making movement possible. Because this tendon is such an integral part of the body, any injuries to it can create immense difficulties and should immediately be presented to a doctor.

What Are the Symptoms of an Achilles Tendon Injury?

There are various types of injuries that can affect the Achilles tendon. The two most common injuries are Achilles tendinitis and ruptures of the tendon.

Achilles Tendinitis Symptoms

  • Inflammation
  • Dull to severe pain
  • Increased blood flow to the tendon
  • Thickening of the tendon

Rupture Symptoms

  • Extreme pain and swelling in the foot
  • Total immobility

Treatment and Prevention

Achilles tendon injuries are diagnosed by a thorough physical evaluation, which can include an MRI. Treatment involves rest, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery. However, various preventative measures can be taken to avoid these injuries, such as:

  • Thorough stretching of the tendon before and after exercise
  • Strengthening exercises like calf raises, squats, leg curls, leg extensions, leg raises, lunges, and leg presses

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Macclenny, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about The Causes, Types, and Treatments of Achilles Tendon Injuries
Tuesday, 14 May 2024 00:00

Essential Insights to Know about Gout

Gout, often termed the disease of kings, is a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints, leading to intense pain and swelling. Contrary to popular belief, gout can affect anyone, regardless of social status or dietary habits. The condition typically manifests in sudden, severe attacks, commonly affecting the big toe. Factors contributing to gout include genetics, a diet rich in purines that are found in red meat, seafood, and alcohol, obesity, and certain medical conditions like hypertension or kidney disease. Despite its historical association with indulgence, gout is a legitimate medical concern that requires proper management and treatment. Without intervention, recurrent gout attacks can lead to joint damage and chronic pain, significantly impacting one's quality of life. If you have severe pain in your big toe and surrounding areas, it is strongly suggested that you seek advice from a podiatrist who can help you find relief and management methods.

Gout is a foot condition that requires certain treatment and care. If you are seeking treatment, contact Dr. John L. Coleman from Florida. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

What Is Gout?

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid in the bloodstream. It often develops in the foot, especially the big toe area, although it can manifest in other parts of the body as well. Gout can make walking and standing very painful and is especially common in diabetics and the obese.

People typically get gout because of a poor diet. Genetic predisposition is also a factor. The children of parents who have had gout frequently have a chance of developing it themselves.

Gout can easily be identified by redness and inflammation of the big toe and the surrounding areas of the foot. Other symptoms include extreme fatigue, joint pain, and running high fevers. Sometimes corticosteroid drugs can be prescribed to treat gout, but the best way to combat this disease is to get more exercise and eat a better diet.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Macclenny, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Everything You Need to Know About Gout
Tuesday, 07 May 2024 00:00

Simple Care of Children’s Feet

Caring for children's feet is important for their overall health and well-being, as early attention can prevent future issues as they age. Simple habits like washing feet daily, tending to toenails, and keeping feet warm in appropriate footwear can promote foot health. Regularly checking for problems such as redness, rashes, marks, or unusual odors is essential for early detection and intervention if needed. A podiatrist specializes in foot care and can provide valuable assistance in monitoring and addressing any concerns that arise. From developmental issues to injuries or infections, a podiatrist offers expert diagnosis, treatment, and guidance to ensure optimal foot health for children. If you have any concerns about your child’s feet, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist.

The health of a child’s feet is vital to their overall well-being. If you have any questions regarding foot health, contact Dr. John L. Coleman of Florida. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Tips for Keeping Children's Feet Healthy

  • Make sure their shoes fit properly
  • Look for any signs of in-toeing or out-toeing
  • Check to see if they have Clubfoot (condition that affects your child’s foot and ankle, twisting the heel and toes inward) which is one of the most common nonmajor birth defects.
  • Lightly cover your baby’s feet (Tight covers may keep your baby from moving their feet freely, and could prevent normal development)
  • Allow your toddler to go shoeless (Shoes can be restricting for a young child’s foot)
  • Cut toenails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails
  • Keep your child’s foot clean and dry
  • Cover cuts and scrapes. Wash any scratches with soap and water and cover them with a bandage until they’ve healed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Macclenny, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about What to Do to Keep Your Child’s Feet Healthy
Sunday, 05 May 2024 00:00

It's Time for Beautiful Feet

You don't need an excuse to have beautiful nails. Step outside without worrying about the appearance of your feet.

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